About Us

As the youngest of 7, I saw my mom flee from my father, who abused her and my family. But no matter how far she ran, the destructive effects of the abuse followed our family … and me. I learned to distrust. I learned that marriages fail. I learned that in the end, you will be alone. Then a miracle happened. I found an extraordinary love. I created family. I broke the cycle of distrust and hate. How did this happen?  Through the grace of God, I was inspired to create QUIET MIND – a self-development tool – to help others learn and heal from whatever “Junk” may be holding them back.

By participating in QUIET MIND, you will learn how to:

  • Create calm to the chaos of your mind
  • Choose your life instead of reacting to it
  • Learn techniques to stop the cycle of destructive thoughts and actions
  • Tap into your power of choice
  • Teach your children that there is a better way

Why NOW?  Why not?

One day, I told my mom to stop talking about the past. I thought it would end our relationship because that’s all we talked about. I was terrified. I was stuck in the lie I kept telling myself. Maybe I wasn’t kind enough. Maybe I wasn’t forgiving enough. Maybe I should just sacrifice my own needs for my mother’s. Maybe…

Then I remembered something.

God’s got my back. Through my victories and failures, God will use whatever I have for His good. God will use this moment for my healing to bring me closer to Him. I have nothing to fear.

Quiet Mind recognizes that the “maybes” oftentimes turn perceptions about ourselves into facts. In other words, the “maybes” turn into “Junk” (false) beliefs about ourselves. QUIET MIND assists you to “Detox” and choose the Truth about who you are. Once you have peace of mind, you will have confidence with clarity to fulfill your goal in a most powerful way.

Remember who you are. You are a child of God.  You are made in God’s image. He is your true Father. Run to Him in times of need. Fall to the ground and Pray. He will lead you to where you need to go. Trust in Him!